Club Resources

The first step in starting a Club is to check with the Office of Student Life and see if a Club exists that already serves the same or nearly the same need.  The Clubs are always looking for new members.  If a similar Club existed before but is no longer active, you’re in luck.  All you need to do is reactivate the Club by obtaining an advisor and at least 15 interested students. Simply fill out a Club Roster Form and submit it to the Office of Student Life.

If you need to start your club from scratch, follow these procedures, links to all forms below:

Obtain a full time or adjunct faculty, classified staff or manager to be the club advisor.

An example of a club constitution and information regarding being a club advisor links are below on this page.  You may want to have your advisor review your constitution and make recommendations.

Complete the New Club Roster Form, and a Spring Club Roster Form. Be certain to create and submit your club constitution.

The names and campus email addresses of at least 15 students who support having this club on campus and wish to be in the club.

After the Club Roster and Constitution have been reviewed you will be asked to make a presentation to the Associated Student Government in order to be officially chartered.  ASG meetings are held every Friday at 9:000am in room CC-223.

After being officially chartered by the ASG, contact the Office of Student Life to confirm a room for Club meeting use.

Groups must comply with all College Policies, the Brown Act and provisions in the Education Code governing Clubs and Campus Organizations.

If you need any assistance please contact
Amy Collins
in the Office of Student Life Campus
Center Room 217 

Club Roster Form

New Club Charter Form 

Club Constitution Template

Club By-Laws Outline

Role of Club Advisor

Student Conduct Information

Outstanding Club Award - Coming Soon!